U ovome se radu obrađuju teme međunarodnoga položaja i međusobnih odnosa Bizanta i Kijevske Rusije u vrijeme nastanka Slova o Zakonu i Milosti metropolita kijevskog Hillariona, kao i prikaz tih odnosa i međunarodnih prilika u samome tekstu. S obzirom na važnu ulogu koju je u srednjovjekovnoj politici igrala Crkva, kao i na činjenicu da je tekst kojim se rad bavi zapravo vjerski tekst, međunarodni položaj i međusobni odnosi Kijevske Rusije i Bizanta promatraju se kako s „čisto“ političkog, tako i s crkveno-vjerskog gledišta.This paper deals with the topic of the international positions of Byzantium and Kievan Rus', as well as the relations between the two countries, during the time when Metropolitan Hilarion of Kiev wrote his Sermon on Law a...
The article deals with the emergence of the Slavic ethnic identity in the territory of Ancient Rus’....
Artykuł dotyczy wkładu trzech ukraińskich kapłanów prawosławnych, Wasyla Hreczułewycza (1791–1870), ...
The article provides a comparative analysis of normativity accepted by Christian Enumerical Council ...
U ovome se radu obrađuju teme međunarodnoga položaja i međusobnih odnosa Bizanta i Kijevske Rusije u...
Zofia Brzozowska, ŁódźIn the work of the Kievan Metropolitan Hilarion from the mid 11th century, kn...
Halych Ruthenia and Byzantium in the period between 11th and 14th c. – selected issues The article i...
Byzantská říše zůstává doposud pro mnohé lidi "terra incognita", tedy něco exkluzivního. Tato exkluz...
One of the main purposes of historical education at post-secondary school is to present to students ...
V delu je obravnavano politično delovanje Ruske pravoslavne cerkve v obdobju od vpada Mongolov in nj...
Ruská ortodoxní církev se stala důležitým aktérem v Rusku po pádu Sovětského svazu. Text je věnovaný...
In the article the author evaluates some contacts between Sázava monastery and Kievan Russia during ...
Institucionální podpora na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace 2019 Katedry politologie ...
Niniejsza praca przedstawia najwcześniejsze dzieje Rusi Kijowskiej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem k...
The following text shows the way that the Rus people had to travel from Kiev in order to reach Const...
This article analyses the main traits of reception of Latin (Roman Catholic) Christendom in Kievan R...
The article deals with the emergence of the Slavic ethnic identity in the territory of Ancient Rus’....
Artykuł dotyczy wkładu trzech ukraińskich kapłanów prawosławnych, Wasyla Hreczułewycza (1791–1870), ...
The article provides a comparative analysis of normativity accepted by Christian Enumerical Council ...
U ovome se radu obrađuju teme međunarodnoga položaja i međusobnih odnosa Bizanta i Kijevske Rusije u...
Zofia Brzozowska, ŁódźIn the work of the Kievan Metropolitan Hilarion from the mid 11th century, kn...
Halych Ruthenia and Byzantium in the period between 11th and 14th c. – selected issues The article i...
Byzantská říše zůstává doposud pro mnohé lidi "terra incognita", tedy něco exkluzivního. Tato exkluz...
One of the main purposes of historical education at post-secondary school is to present to students ...
V delu je obravnavano politično delovanje Ruske pravoslavne cerkve v obdobju od vpada Mongolov in nj...
Ruská ortodoxní církev se stala důležitým aktérem v Rusku po pádu Sovětského svazu. Text je věnovaný...
In the article the author evaluates some contacts between Sázava monastery and Kievan Russia during ...
Institucionální podpora na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace 2019 Katedry politologie ...
Niniejsza praca przedstawia najwcześniejsze dzieje Rusi Kijowskiej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem k...
The following text shows the way that the Rus people had to travel from Kiev in order to reach Const...
This article analyses the main traits of reception of Latin (Roman Catholic) Christendom in Kievan R...
The article deals with the emergence of the Slavic ethnic identity in the territory of Ancient Rus’....
Artykuł dotyczy wkładu trzech ukraińskich kapłanów prawosławnych, Wasyla Hreczułewycza (1791–1870), ...
The article provides a comparative analysis of normativity accepted by Christian Enumerical Council ...